Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Hiking We Will Go....

Here is my hiking group; Sarah, Brian and Ginger. It was 7 miles round trip on an "EASY" trail. If that was an easy trail, I would hate to see a hard trail. I was so worried that I would have to carry at least one of them out. As it turns out, Ginger out hiked all of us. This is in the red rocks of Sedona.
This is where I stopped. It was straight up. My knee just couldn't take it. And we were almost there. While I waited, I helped other hikers up, and some of them didn't make it and came back down rather quickly! It was a tough hike. But afterwards, it was Mexican food and drinks, which made it all better!


Vickie said...

Cool pictures John and looks like you all had a great time together. So Ginger out did you all? That is just awesome but I know you all were great. Thanks for posting your very nice pictures...

The Goldman Family said...

Well, looks like fun! Just think if there was an antique store at the top of the would have never seen your dear sweet wife again. Much less get out of the car! HA :)
She (Aunt Ginger) is looking so great, and skinny! I was very proud of her, and all that hiking she's doing is paying off. Of course, you can get me next time before you go and I will suffer and stay behind with you!! HA No really, Be careful to those knees of yours! I don't want you to hurt them more.
Love ya

John said...

Tami is so funny! If there had been an antique store on the moon, we would have gotten there a lot quicker if Dottie and Ginger knew about it!

Grandma of Many said...

More great pictures of the hike. Wish Ken and I could have gone with you although I might have stayed behind with you at the end or maybe even the beginning. Well, after Tami's comment, I would have made it to the top if there was an antique shop and I would have beaten Ginger, Lindsay, or whoever to the top, ha! Love, Dottie

Ginger said...

Yes...if the antique store was in the equation...definitely Dottie would have won "Grin". I better hike several more times to be in top shape if I ever do go antiquing with her again. LOL It was such a nice day to hike, company was marvelous and the scenery breathtaking at times.

Grandma of Many said...

Well, I'm glad to see you admit it, ha! I am kidding, we will go together. Love, Dottie