Friday, August 1, 2008

Jennifer Spent the Day

This is in our front yard. Ginger took all these shots.
She thinks she is going to win. At least she looks good!
See, I can pose just as well as Jenn. Right? Anyway, we were all playing cut-throat, and she won, fair & square. She also won all the board games and 18 out of 20 blackjack games. She went home a winner. It's funny. We just had her for a day, and I was exhausted. Then I read on Tami's blog that all 30 cousins were at the park at one time. WOW. How can an old man like me keep up with 30 kids? How does Ken do it? Now I'm really feeling tired!


Ginger said...
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Ginger said...

Yes Jennifer was a joy to have over and such a good game player. Hee..hee...kept us on our toes. She is so smart and can hardly wait for school to start Friday...hey that is today. She and Heather are both signed up for College Algebra. Smarties they both are!

Vickie said...

Jennifer looks so cute and she is on my monitor now and Heather had to move out lol. The thing is John they keep us young not old lol. Thats what Dad said all the time. Thanks for the post...

Dottie, Grandma Dot or Mom said...

I want to know who won, not just in the picture contest but in the game??? Well, it must be what keeps Ken so young. Dottie