Monday, June 30, 2008

The Real World

This is for all the people who sew out there. So you think you will do sew great things for your husband when you get married? Wrong. What he will ask you to sew is a cover for the trailer awning so the sun won't ruin it, as shown above. Or a screen that was ripped. Or a cover for the front of Brian's car. Yes, Ginger has sew all of that. What a gal!


Ginger said... I am sewing...I had just washed my hair and it was drying...went up to sew this funny contraption for John and he took a picture...too funny! Well, maybe I should say too scary!!! "Grin" He has asked me to sew some very strange things over the years.

Vickie said...

Very cool Ginger and I almost forgot that you sew lol. It is neat that you help John in that area. Have a great day you three and talk or type at you later lol...

The Goldman Family said...

What a wonderful wife Ginger is to you!! Uncle John you are a lucky ducky! I am sure your ideas have more to come....what to have her sew next ahhh.
Good thing she is as pretty as she is sweet (and clean too).
Love ya

Grandma of Many said...

Just trying to make all of the rest of us wives look bad. Okay, so I don't sew. I can do other things. I wonder what they are???
I talked to John this morning and that was great. You were out getting your hair done. Love ya, Dottie